
Diário Liberdade
Segunda, 01 Janeiro 2018 19:54 Última modificação em Segunda, 01 Janeiro 2018 22:09

Diário Liberdade, now in English Destaque

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/ Reportagens / Fonte: Diário Liberdade

Diário Liberdade has just launched its new line of contents in English language. An interview with the cuban philosopher Enrique Ubieta will be the first content.

The new space will be hosted by a micro-space within the general site of Diário Liberdade ( and aims to reach a worldwide audience composed by nearly 400 million speakers distributed all along the world - while not being the one with a largest number of native speakers, English language is indeed a lingua franca today. What Diário Liberdade develops by this new tool is a strategy to go beyond the portuguese speaking world, reaching readers from other nations and cultural environments.

The space will not record publications in a daily basis. Instead, its main ability will consist on highlighting and fostering the internationalization of a series of contents which could be considered of special interest due to its scope, quality or any other feature. The purpose of the Board of Editors is to spread breaking news and analysis from a progressive point of view, specially those regarding galician-portuguese speaking countries - Galiza, Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome e Principe and East Timor, among smaller regions of the world.

As for any other of the categories of Diário Liberdade, the Board of Editors emphasizes that the site is open to collaborations from readers and collectives. No experience or specific training is needed, and the Team of the Cultural Association Diário Liberdade - which backs this online newspaper - will help and provide orientation to the applicants. Should you want to know more about joining our team, please write to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Enrique Ubieta: The cultural war

From tomorrow (02/01), Diário Liberdade will provide its first content in English: an interview with the philosopher Enrique Ubieta, through which the current director of Cuba Socialista - he journal of the Cuban Communist Party - will explain us what is the Cultural War, what is the outlook for Cuba and what are cubans doing to keep the revolution going ahead.

Diário Liberdade

Diário Liberdade is an online daily newspaper, backed by the Cultural Association Diário Liberdade - which headquarters are in Ferrol (Galiza) -, a non-profit organization that counts the democratization of the information and the promotion of galician-portuguese culture among its purposes. Diário Liberdade has been published uninterrumptedly from 2010, with the participation of hundreds of militants and collaborations from all around the world - specially portuguese speaking countries. Its only language was portuguese until January 2018.

Diário Liberdade é um projeto sem fins lucrativos, mas cuja atividade gera uns gastos fixos importantes em hosting, domínios, manutençom e programaçom. Com a tua ajuda, poderemos manter o projeto livre e fazê-lo crescer em conteúdos e funcionalidades.

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